My articles are published under my full name, Nicolena vonHedemann.
Referred journal articles
vonHedemann, N., T. Breidenbach, C. Carney, L. Carr Childers, D. David-Chavez, C. Havrilla, M. Hill, H. Mahmoud, N. Mueller, C.A. Schultz, C. Stevens-Rumann, 2023. “Climate Adaptation Research Priorities and Funding: A Review of U.S. Federal Departments’ Climate Action Plans.” Climate Policy. doi 10.1080/14693062.2023.2242313.
vonHedemann, N. 2022. “The importance of communal forests in carbon storage: using and destabilizing carbon measurement in understanding Guatemala’s Payments for Ecosystem Services.” The Canadian Geographer. 67(1): 106–123. doi: 10.1111/cag.12810. (open access)
Liverman, D., N. vonHedemann, P. Nying’uro, M. Rummukainen, K. Stendahl, M. Gay-Antaki, M. Craig, L. Aguilar, P. Bynoe, F. Call, S. Connors, L. David, A. Ferrone, B. Hayward, S. Jayawardena, L. M. Touray, J. Parikh, M. Pathak, R. Perez, A. Pirani, A. Prakash, C. Textor, L. Tibig, M. Tignor, C. Tuğaç, C. Vera and R. Wagle. 2022. "Survey of gender bias in the IPCC." Nature. 602: 30-32. doi: 10.1038/d41586-022-00208-1.
vonHedemann, N. and C. A. Schultz. 2021. “U.S. family forest owners’ forest management for climate adaptation: Perspectives from extension and outreach specialists.” Frontiers in Climate. 3:674718. doi: 10.3389/fclim.2021.674718.
vonHedemann, N., Z. Wurtzebach, T. J. Timberlake, E. Sinkular, and C. A. Schultz. 2020. “Forest policy and management approaches for carbon dioxide removal.” Interface Focus. 10: 20200001.
vonHedemann, N. 2019. "Transitions in Payments for Ecosystem Services in Guatemala: Embedding forestry incentives into rural development value systems.” Development and Change. 51(1):1-27. doi: 10.1111/dech.12547. Also available in Spanish: "Transiciones en los Pagos por Servicios Ambientales en Guatemala: el Proceso de Incorporar los Incentivos Forestales en Sistemas de Valores de Desarrollo Rural.”
vonHedemann, N., P. Robbins, M. Butterworth, K. Landau, and C. Morin. 2017. “Managing mosquito spaces: citizen self-governance of disease vectors in a desert landscape.” Health and Place. 43: 41-48. doi: 10.1016/j.healthplace.2016.11.004.
vonHedemann, N. and T. Osborne. 2016. “State Forestry Incentives and Community Stewardship: A Political Ecology of Payments and Compensation for Ecosystem Services in Guatemala’s Highlands.” Journal of Latin American Geography. 15(1): 83-110. doi: 10.1353/lag.2016.0002. Also available in Spanish: “Incentivos Forestales del Estado y la Administración Comunal: Una Ecología Política de Pagos y Compensación por Servicios Ambientales en el Altiplano de Guatemala”
vonHedemann, N.*, M. Butterworth*, P. Robbins, K. Landau, and C. Morin. 2015. “Visualizations of mosquito risk: A political ecology approach to understanding the territorialization of hazard control.” Landscape and Urban Planning. 142: 159-169. doi: 10.1016/j.landurbplan.2015.03.001. *designates co-first author
Other publications
vonHedemann, N. 2023. “Ecosystem Services in Development: Frontier of Green Colonialism or Tool for Social Justice?” Invited book chapter for the International Handbook of Development and the Environment. Edited by Benedicte Bull and Mariel Aguilar-Støen.
Osborne, T., Bellante, L., and vonHedemann, N. 2014 “Indigenous Peoples and REDD+: A Critical Perspective.” Report for the Indigenous People’s Biocultural Climate Change Assessment Initiative (IPCCA). <>.
Publications also available for download on and Researchgate. Please contact me if you cannot access a publication, and I will happily share it with you.
Photos 1 and 2: Brazo Bend State Park outside Houston, Texas
Photo 3: Atascosa Highlands outside Tucson, Arizona