Teaching Experience
I have been the instructor of record or a teaching assistant for the following courses in the School of Geography and Development at the University of Arizona.
GEOG 150C Environment and Society (Teaching Assistant): an introductory course into human dimensions of environmental issues
GEOG 220 Our Diverse Biosphere (Teaching Assistant): an introductory biogeography course
GEOG 230 Our Changing Climate (Teaching Assistant): an introductory interdisciplinary course on both human and physical aspects of climate change
GEOG 240 Our Dynamic Landscape (Instructor): an introductory interdisciplinary course that includes geomorphology, biogeography, disturbance, and human-environment landscapes
GEOG 302 Introduction to Sustainable Development (Instructor): an upper-level course on urban sustainable development
GEOG 303 Field Study in Environmental Geography (Teaching Assistant and Instructor): an upper-level course on field skills and research approaches in environmental geography
GEOG 350 Economic Geography (Teaching Assistant): an upper-level course on economic geography
Teaching Materials
Below are materials that I have used in my courses as an instructor or developed for the teaching practicum in my Certificate in College Teaching program.
Example syllabi:
GEOG 240 Our Dynamic Landscape
GEOG 362 Environment and Development
Example lesson plans:
GEOG 303 Field Study in Environmental Geography
Making a scientific poster presentation
GEOG 362 Environment and Development
Payments for ecosystem services and carbon markets
Example summative assessments:
GEOG 240 Our Dynamic Landscape
Term paper on a chosen disturbance
GEOG 362 Environment and Development
Photo: Tanque Verde Wash outside Tucson, Arizona